Sunday, March 22, 2009


马来西亚闻名的酵素达人 -

温秀枝医师 Dr.Joean

将会在17/5/2009 在新山有场酵素课程。有兴趣可联络 016-7131419


主题 :酵素整体自然健康工作坊

讲师 :温秀枝医师

报名费 : RM 80 (午餐、讲义及各一瓶的饮用酵素和环保酵素)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eco Enzyme

ECO Enzyme

ECO Enzyme is the solution to recover our ozone layer and lower the global temperature. Discover the endless benefits of this Earth-Saving enzyme you can make in your kitchen. It is rewarding to heal the Earth.

ECO Enzyme is a complex solution produced by fermentation of fresh kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable dregs), brown sugar and water. It is dark brown and has a strong sweet sour fermented scent. Garbage Enzyme is a multipurpose liquid and its applications covers household, agriculture, animal husbandry, etc.

Change Climate
From day one you start making Garbage Enzyme its catalyses process will release anion. Anion can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and heavy metal that traps heat in the cloud. Hence heat can be release from the Earth, reducing greenhouse and global warming effects.

Enzyme converts ammonia to nitrate (NO3), a natural hormone and nutrient for plants. Meanwhile it converts CO2 to carbonate (CO3) which is beneficial to sea plants and marine life.

  • Save money: Turn kitchen waste to DIY natural household cleaners.
  • Multiple usage: Natural household cleaner; air purifier; deodorizer; insecticide; detergent; body care; car care; organic fertilizer, etc.
  • Reduce pollution: Methane gas released from disposed garbage can trap 21 times more heat than CO2, worsen the global warming.
  • Purify air: Remove odour. Dissolve toxic air released from smoking, car exhaust, chemical residues from household products, etc.
  • Purify underground water: Enzyme that flow underground will eventually purify the river ad the sea.
  • Natural pesticides: Reduce mosquitoes, flies, rats or cockroach, etc.
  • Anti-bacterial and virus: Natural antiseptic for your home.
  • Prevent drainpipe blockage: Release residues accumulated in the pipe of basins or toilet bowls.

Eco Enzyme Usage

Eco Enzyme Usage

DIY Notes

Take Notes:

  1. Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand.

  2. Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials.
    Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residue; orange , lemon peel or pandan leave will produce better scent.

  3. The ideal colour of garbage enzyme is dark brown. Add in same amount of brown sugar to re-ferment if the enzyme turns black.

  4. It may have white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter worms in the container, leave it for a while and close the cover tightly.

  5. If you have not gather enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 months fermentation period start from the last day you add in kitchen waste.

Dr Ros环保酵素


环 保酵素技术是由泰国DR Rosukon樂素昆.普潘翁博士所研制成,她以慈悲的精神将30多年来研究酵素的秘密完全公开,更推动大众自己在家制做环保酵素,她明白只有家家户户都 懂得制做环保酵素,利用环保酵素在我们每天的生活上,我们的环境污染才能减低,大家才能更进一步过着健康有机生活。




為甚麽要做环保酵素 ?


* 能防止太陽紫外线和宇宙輻射
* 減少空氣中的廢氣和毒氣
* 殺菌的功能
* 使地球的溫度不會繼續上升
* 增加空氣中氧的含量




在整個過程中能將不能分解的重金屬與其它有毒的人工化學廢物都變成有利於大自然的產品。不但如此,酵素在農作物也有所貢獻,在日本酵素對海帶,紫菜、水稻之 增產方也有成功的實例,不僅量多且品質優良。所以酵素的推廣使用,對人體健康,消除公害,解決糧食缺乏等,帶來人類很大的希望。


* 在厌氧条件下,酵素(如光合菌)可耐100℃以上高温。
* 酵素在养分充足条件下,pH 值在3.5 以下也能正常生存。
* 生成抗氧化蛋白质及低分子的抗氧化物质的功能,防止物质及细胞的劣化、衰变及老化